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Hedging stone walls

From low hedging walls and raised flower beds to facing block walls. Nothing looks as good as natural stone to finish off your garden.

Below was a large job, the customer wanted a patio with a cornish stone wall look
so a block wall had to built first and while a friend was back filling and laying the patio i faced the block wall with cornish stone and added a step at the side

In this job Below there was a very low wall and a higher flower bed behind so a new wall had to be built up to a level of the soil and up two sets of steps either end of the wall

Below was a nice little job, a cutomer wanted a curved stone wall to hold
back a raise flower bed area

This is at the start of the job, ive cut away the soil into a rough curve
and put a line in for a guide before starting to place the stone,  every so often i would place a Key stone going back into the soil to give the wall added strength

Below is another part of the same garden at a lower level, the space between the top of the lower wall and the top curved wall will be a grass area

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